Wedding of Bill & Tracy

I returned to America to attend the wedding of my childhood friends, Bill & Tracy.


Groom in short sleeves, Bride in shorts & sandals


Bill has come to take his bride, assisted by his minions of the day

Strutting torwards to the gate, nothing can stop him except...

The bride's maids spot the approaching groom

Bill makes tributes to earn passage

Eric solves the riddles of the maids amongst an outcry


Posing for wedding shots in the bride's very crowded home

Small chit chat

Food remain untouched on this busy day


Bill's grandfather light up incense

...and pray to ancestors of before

The couple seek blessings from those ancestors

..while Bill's nephew looks on

Ken, Luong & I enjoying lunch outside


The main event

Cindy waiting for the wedding to begin

Luong, Sinh, and Ken

Bride maids

Groom and groomsmen

Little kids

...walking down the aisle

The Bride, and the Father of the Bride

The crowds all hushed

...and all attention to the center of the room

The priest explaining marriage

With a slip into the finger

...and a union is forged between Bill and Tracy

They head out the room

...only to return later to take pictures

Tracy and her sisters

...and also some other close friends

Bill with his Berkeley buddies

The bride side

The groom side


On their white carriage

...they leave the church, just married


At their new home

...more photos with her sisters


The wedding cake

Guests are photographed with the bride & groom by professionals

...and greeted by Bill's mom and grandparents

Eric and Sarah at reception

Sinh and May

Tracy returns to the banquet with yet another attire

Amidst the clanging of chopsticks, the couples kiss

...another dress comment for this game

A Toast!


Everyone enjoying the good time

A strange dance

Even the kiddies are dancing


Nothing really to do with the wedding but...

John is really drunk, and somehow convinced me to inhale helium from the balloon

...and reacting upon my high pitched voice

John starts making a "B"

...and the others follow to make an "I", "L" and a "L" to spell the groom


Finally, back home, after a tiredsome day